If I Can’t Dance
13:00 21-11-2018
If I Can’t Dance hosts local guests for an informal conversation around a theme relevant to our research into “Social Movement”.
The dwindling of social welfare structures within neoliberalism has shifted structures of care away from collective responsibility. This Radio Emma looks for ways to (re)build relations of care. How can we perform caring gestures that begin from the sensorial, feeling, touching, listening, looking in ways that caress, reach out, and search for ethical relations with the self and others? Can an ethics of care forged at a sensorial level be the grounds for an ethics that could reorganize the social?
With guests Nell Donkers, curator of De Appel archive; Sands Murray-Wassink, painter/ body artist and perfume collector; and Marjan Sax, feminist and activist. Jingle: Radna Rumping.

Artist / Organisation: If I Can’t Dance
Host: Miriam Westreich
Producer: Leroy Chaar
Length: 60 min
Language: English
21-11-2018 at 13:00
Links:If I Can't Dance