Dissident Pedagogy
Qtopia Queer Arts Festival
18:00 10-02-2020
In this documentation, artists and practitioners from the education field interrogate the school as a site for the reproduction of unequal gendered power relations. As marginalized bodies, questioning pedagogy means to question how we come to know and how knowledge is produced within learning spaces that constantly reinforce heteronormative values in their discourse, ideologies and practices.
By sharing dissident dreams and narratives, this symposium aimed to explore and envision what a queer pedagogy could be. How could that help us to reimagine the construction of identities in the classroom and beyond? Which methods and tools can teach us how to deal with a more-than-binary experience of the world? What if a queer pedagogy puts into crisis what is known and how we come to know?
Speakers included: Inge Jansen, who is an elementary school director in Rotterdam; Claire Nì Bhrìan, who is teaching and researching on queer pedagogy in a secondary school in Eindhoven; Daan Van Beers and Geert Vermegeen who are elementary school teachers in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, respectively; Carmen José, who is a visual artist researching critical visualizing processes through collaborative embodied practice and Gabriel Fontana, who is a designer developing the Multiform project: a long term design research on queering sport that challenges the reproduction of normative gender roles within the context of the Physical Educational class. The Multiform project was exhibited at the Kunstmagazijn gallery during the festival.
The Dissident Pedagogy symposium took place in October 2019. It was co-organised by Qtopia Queer Art Festival and Studio Fontana. The recording was edited by Alex Harris.

Artist / Organisation: Qtopia Queer Arts Festival
Producer: Alex Harris
10-02-2020 at 18:00
Links:Qtopia Queer Arts Festival
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