Care Radio
Mariana Jurado-Rico
17:00 11-03-2022
Today and this weekend - Care Radio from the Salwa Gathering ‘Roots & Routes’, centering on themes such as belonging, identity, and diasporic practices of remembrance. Care Radio is a space to share sounds, amplify voices, portrait communities and acknowledge nearness.
Mariana writes: “I remember every morning, i used to hear far away in another room, a sound, some conversations, just voices and background sounds. It was the sound of the radio, mom couldn’t start her with out her pioneer Walkman blasting some local news station. The radio was a sort of companion for her, she felt that someone was talking to her, as a single mother she had little moments of adult interaction, so I can imagine she had built a relationship with this sound. For me, radio represents a sonic space where things can happen differently and multiple situations can intertwine and exist, also a space that embraces failure and mistakes, especially now that the internet gives so many things to choose from and the listening spaces sometimes struggle to reach an audience.
I will be broadcasting from the Goethe Institute Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In this broadcast you can hear the Echo of what is happening in the Gatherings accompanied by the sounds the project CASCABEL by Juan Sebastian Rosillo and mixtapes and original sounds from close acquaintances of my expanded community."
Care Radio.
In conversation with Lina Bravo
Cascabel a project by: Juan Sebastián Rosillo-@juansebastianrosillo
In Collaboration with.
Jerónimo Velásquez - @jeronimovelasquezl
Valeria Giraldo - @valeriagiraldorestrepo
Lucas Cabu - @lucascabu
Boris Restrepo -@boris_leonardo
Juan Manuel Rosero - @disco_infierno
Valentina López
Diego Pinilla- @unseenwaves
Lisa Czech - @lisaczech
Edi Jiménez - @yourdough
José Sanín - @josesanin
Laura Rojas -@laurarojasbe
Diego Uribe
Laura López-@perritobebe
Federico Torres
Santiago Lemus-@santiagolemuss
Rafael Garcia.
And mixtapes, playlist and original music
((Los Infartos))-@losinfartos
Juan Uribe.
Nika- @nikasorzano
Riad Salameh- @salamriad
Eva Mahov- @evamahov
Juan Mattos-@itsalmorrana
Gttaw-sorda- @sordaaaa
Lina Bravo - @lina_brvmr______
Willow Florez - @thebacktooth
Du-roze-zun @derozanderozan
Dulce- @dulce_dd