Age of Wonderland
Dutch Design Week
This show consists of 7 episodes:
- Roadata
- Big Cosmic Data
- DeathTolls Experience
- Public Park as Living Lab
- Mighty Bits
- Backpack Radio Station
- Closing
Michiel van Iersel and Arif Kornweitz are talking to fellows of the Age of Wonderland program, live at the Dutch Design Week.
Age of Wonderland is a multi-year programme that stimulates worldwide social innovation and challenges so-called wicked problems through global knowledge exchange between designers, researchers, scientists and artists, yearly addressing a different issue. The Age of Wonderland fellows and their co-researchers will co-create scenarios and tools with the general public through a public programme during two residencies: one in May and one in October during the Dutch Design Week.
Artist / Organisation: Dutch Design Week
Location of the show: Eindhoven
Host: Arif Kornweitz, Michiel van Iersel
Language: English
Age of Wonderland