Re:Activate Episode 2
Femke Dekker
15:00 20-07-2021
RE:ACTIVATE is a project by Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee contributor Femke Dekker and focusses on the reciprocal relationship between media and activism and to disclose the strategies used to reinforce and exploit each-other’s mechanisms. Part of Open Archief - a multifaceted, collaborative research project that makes archival material accessible to artists for creative reuse - RE:ACTIVATE equally investigates the relation between archives and activism and will for the period of residency involve the archives of all three participating institutes. The archives affiliated with Open Archief are Het Nieuwe Instituut (HNI), The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Sound and Vision), and the International Institute of Social History (IISH).
RE:ACTIVATE ‘The Artist as Archivist’ is an open dialogue with Bebe Blanco Agterberg, Marie Ilse Bourlanges and marjolijn kok, discussing their artistic practices in the context of archival reserach and how archives are a stimuli for contemporary art practices and theoretical discourse.

Image: Re:Activate logo by Marius Schwarz
Artist / Organisation: Femke Dekker
Location of the show: Het Nieuwe Instituut
Host: Femke Dekker
Producer: Monty Mouw
Length: 90 min
Language: English
20-07-2021 at 15:00
Links:Open Archief