Sound Art Program

Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
09:00 25-11-2018

A selection of sound art from the Rijksakademie's permanent collection, together with contributions from current and previous resident artists, advisors, and staff. Pieces include sound art, found sound, musical compositions, and spoken word.

Realised by Ana María Gómez López in collaboration with Arif Kornweitz & Verena Hahn.

Download an overview of the program as pdf.


Live performance, 2016-2017
With Cyclops—Carlos Amorales, Enrique Arraiga, and Phillipe Eustochon
Recorded at the Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, CH

SOOKOON ANG (RA 2006/2007)
Ainu traditional music with a mouth harp, 2017
Recorded at the Ainu Museum, Shiraoi, JP

Tunes for Film and Dance, 2001*

JOHANN ARENS (RA 2014/2015)
Surveys, 2012 – 2015

Entropy Pump, 2013*

MARIA BARNAS (RA 1999/2000, RA Advisor)
Tr-eye-ing, 2018
Documentation for Song for Three Rooms, sound installation at the Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, NL

MO BECHA (RA 1999/2000)
The Jogger, 1996
Ghost, 2015
Brut Haus, 2017

JAMES BECKETT (RA 2001/2002)
The Frèderyck Nùyegen Seaside Memorial Band, 2009
With Morten J. Olsen

MICHAEL BLUM (RA 2001/2002)
400 jaar zonder graaf, den heb je lang gezwegen (400 years without a grave is a long time to shut up), 2002*
Recording in commemoration of the 400 years of the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), Oost-Indisch Huis, Amsterdam, NL
We Do Have a Plan (from The Swap), 2016

A Report to an Academy, 2010-2012
What Do You Hear When You Eat Chocolate, 2014 With Luisa Ungar

Roma, 2012*

Like These Very Walls (Munich), 2018
Trees, Part 1 (Arrangement 2), 2018

170406-6, 2017
171219-3, 2017
180202-7, 2018
With Falsa—Peter Cleutjens, Daniel Nicolas, and Bart Brouns
Recorded live at Studio Kraijenhoffstraat 34, Amsterdam, NL

ROGER CREMERS (RA 1996/1997, RA Staff)
November Afternoon, 2018

DINA DANISH (RA 2009/2010)
Ursonate in Arabic Pronounciation, 2016

JUDITH DEAN (RA 1991/1993)
Copy, 2012
Take it Through Me, 2012

Echolocation Solo - First of Five Movements (A subtle hammering), 2016
Im Dorfe (from ‘Winterreise’ by Franz Schubert, 1827), 2018
Ich folge dir gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritten (from ‘Johannes Passion’ by J.S. Bach, 1724), 2018
Session for ‘Echolocation: Nocturne’, 2017

Mi’ fenna Gowtu, 2014*

Du Bist Ein Muss, 2014

CEVDET EREK (RA 2005/2006)
Die neue Papa ist Deutsch, 2007*
With Tine Melzer (RA 2004/2005)

BOJAN FAJFRIĆ (RA 2000/2001)
When water sounds like wood/When wood sounds like water, 2001*

ALEX FARRAR (RA 2005/2006)
Vicky and Ron ‘Empty Studio’ session for Resonance FM, 2010
We are the Leeds scum, 2013

PACO FREIRE (RA 1993/1994)
Steps of the visitors of the Visa Pour l' Image on a wooden platform, 2018

GUY GIARD (RA 1987/1990)
Sheila, 1974
St-Jean-Port-Joli, 2018
Marin de Ville, 2018

Detritus|Penumbra, 2018
Created for an exhibition at the Fonds d’art contemporain de Genève, Geneva, CH

The Conversation, 2010*

The Age of the Reindeer, 2016
Sound piece made at Radio Picnic, Brussels, BE

A Space Where Your Voices Can Live In, 2013
Sound installation at EXPO, Chicago, USA

Gravity Blast Night, 2014
From Here to Eternity, 2014

If the Ground Should Open, 2016
Sound installation at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IE

Sound Field 1, 2011
Sound Field 2, 2014
Sound Field 3, 2014
Stereo mixdown of 10 hour 24-track installations

YOUNG EUN KIM (RA 2014/2015)
Some Sounds From Kitchen Ware, 2017

AUKJE KOKS (RA 2007/2008)
A Plastic Fold (Mo ma me mi mu you me, me you), 2017
With Agata Jastrząbek

PAWEL KRUK (RA 2011/2012)
Remigare Necesse Est Vivere Non Est Necesse, 2015
With Seamus Cater (RA Staff)
Created for a series of performances at Hotel Maria Kapel, Hoorn, NL

ARVO LEO (RA 2017/2018)
Discontinued Flowers, 2017
Created for an exhibition at the Fonds d’art contemporain de Genève, Geneva, CH

Playlist for Kotti-Shop (Berlin Community Radio Program), 2015

KAREEM LOTFY (RA 2015/2016)
Dysartrie, 2018

Cage a Bird, 1989-1992
Creator, 1989-1992
Friend or Enemy, 1989-1992
World War III, 1989-1992
With Bogman

Pikappeonjjeog, 2017
With UMMO and Ryo Ikeshiro

The Weather, 2017
Paranoid News, 2018

NOOR NUYTEN (RA 2015, Guest Resident)
Exhibition in Your Hand, 2014

SERGE ONNEN (RA 1990/1992)
Oorbal, 2018
Washok, 2018
Oh? Deneboom, 2018
With Oorbeek—Peter Cleutjens (RA 1993/1994), Arie Altena, Maarten Hepp, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Alice Smits, Mark van Tongeren

Try to copy Erik Satie, Vexations (1893), 2013
Try to copy Steve Reich, Music for 18 Musicians, 2013
Music for Mario Briceño, 2013

Kalach’s Soundscape for Citizens, 2015
Sound installation for the Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg, RU

Untitled, 2018

MARJO POSTMA (RA 1982/1984)
Ojee!, 1983*

Man in the Eye, 2016
With Gekiyasu— Yashaswini Raghunanda and Jacqueline Ford

CHENG RAN (RA 2013/2014)
Hit or Miss Ist, 2013*

LALA RAŠČIĆ (RA 2003/2004)
The Abandoned Glove, 2004*
Conflict Syntax, 2017

JIMMY ROBERT (RA 2004/2005)
European Portraits, 2017
Commission by Ain Bailey for sound installation at PEER UK, London, UK

Feel So Good, 1998
Feel So Good (Remixed), 1998

BERT SCHOLTEN (RA 2018/2019)
Brood A, 2018
Brood B, 2018
With Hun Bed

‘u’—Klingon Opera, 2010
Master of the Scream by Henri van Zanten
Vocals by Taru Huotari, Jeannette Huizinga, Ben Kropp
Orchestra by Anne La Berge, James Hewitt, Niels Meliefste
Composition by Eef van Breen
Recording and mixing by Ruben Samama
Instruments and theory by Xavier van Wersch
Libretto by Marc Okrand and Kees Ligtelijn
Concept and direction by Floris Schönfeld
Produced by Zeebelt, The Hague, NL

I am the Medium, 2010
Before Le Cerveau Affamé, 2013

Porter (BHP Billiton), 2014-2017

Hālau, 2011

Nummer zes, Wake me up to go to sleep and all the colours of the rainbow, 2006
Steinway Grand Piano, Piano Concerto No 1. In E Minor Op.11 2nd Movement, composed by F. Chopin
Performed live by the Roofvogel Philharmoniic on the Stadhouderskadem Amsterdam, NL
Conducted by Jacob Allegro Wegloop
Solo Piano Forte by Guido van der Werve
Sound recording by Dick Lucas (datasound)

Nummer zeven, The clouds are more beautiful from above, 2006
Prelude Op. 23 Number 10. in G flat major, composed by S. Rachmaninoff.
Performed by Guido van der Werve
Recorded and mastered by Dick Lucas (datasound) at Studio 1 of the Muziekgebow aan't IJ, Amsterdam, NL

Nummer negen, The day I didn’t turn with the world, 2007
Composed and performed by Guido van der Werve
Recorded by Dick Lucas (datasound) at the Nieuwemuziek aan't IJ, Amsterdam, NL

The deliberate imitation of the behaviour of one group of people by another as a factor in social change, 2018

Artist / Organisation: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
Length: 1320 min

25-11-2018 at 09:00


28.01.2025 Not My Problem Episode 1 Bint Mbareh
14.01.2025 adjustments/Rob the Bank Depth Address
26.11.2024 Hi! Congo (7) Nombuso Mathibela & Naledi Chai
19.11.2024 Interior Motives Naomi Hettiarachchige Hubèrt
12.11.2024 Nargis-e mastāna/Wilted Rose (Interlude)/What was buulbul
04.10.2024 A Letter to the Lemniscate: Radio Frequencies From If I Can’t Dance
02.10.2024 Lava Lines Lava Lines
28.09.2024 24hrs/Palestine Radio Alhara
17.09.2024 Ditzcourse: Glamour Sands Murray-Wassink
10.09.2024 Ditzcourse: Pleasure Sands Murray-Wassink
03.09.2024 Ditzcourse: Spirituality Sands Murray-Wassink
27.08.2024 Ditzcourse: Introduction Sands Murray-Wassink
05.07.2024 350,000 Leaks Aram Lee
08.06.2024 Act IX: Pamela Sneed Playbill
04.06.2024 Serrure Relax Oï les Ox
25.05.2024 Nieuwe Nieuwsmarkt 1: Housing Struggle Femke Dekker & Werker
13.02.2024 Estoy Llamando, Regresando Tu Llamada (3) Amara Higuera
24.12.2023 Christmas in Mourning Wonder Cabinet
19.12.2023 You can eat me when I'm dead Angelica Falkeling
05.12.2023 Channelling 3: Ainhoa Hernández Escudero Ainhoa Hernández Escudero
28.11.2023 Harra Khamoosh
14.11.2023 Channelling 2: Anahit (2) Anahit
31.10.2023 Channelling 1: Laia Estruch (2) Laia Estruch
20.10.2023 New HHHorizons pt.2 w/ Mikatsiu Mikatsiu
19.10.2023 New HHHorizons pt.1 w/ Alec Mateo Alec Mateo
07.10.2023 S06E01: Green Fields | Subsurface Het resort
03.10.2023 Laraaji, Raoni Muzho Saleh & Radna Rumping in Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
26.09.2023 Gathering in a Polyphonic MOOOOAAAAAAANN Safeguard Raoni Muzho Saleh
19.09.2023 Guided Laughter Release Laraaji
01.09.2023 Overexposed (8) Sonic Acts x JJJNNN
08.07.2023 Rietveld Review(ed) 2023 Gerrit Rietveld Academie
04.07.2023 This Ineluctable Opera - Variation 1 Mikatsiu
27.06.2023 Pluto Polanco Presents: Gotchu Pt. 05.23 - 06.23 Alec Mateo
14.06.2023 Vampires Can´t Have Anything: Vampire Vibes Elif Satanaya Özbay and Andrea González Garrán
06.06.2023 Machine Listener (5) Aimée Theriot
24.05.2023 Vampires Can´t Have Anything: To love forever Elif Satanaya Özbay and Andrea González Garrán
20.05.2023 What are the words you do not have yet? Naz Kocadere and Marjet Zwaans
21.04.2023 The Need for Platforms Á. Birna Björnsdóttir
19.04.2023 Vampires Can´t Have Anything: Ageing and Beauty Elif Satanaya Özbay and Andrea González Garrán
23.03.2023 Extra-Sensory (3) Susan Ploetz
15.03.2023 Vampires Can´t Have Anything: Origins Elif Satanaya Özbay and Andrea González Garrán
15.02.2023 Vampires Can´t Have Anything: Resurrection Elif Satanaya Özbay and Andrea González Garrán
06.02.2023 Bruno Zhu about A Maior Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
19.12.2022 Philoctetes: Rehearsals (Act I) Artun Alaska Arasli
14.12.2022 gurgling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins Naomi Credé
13.12.2022 Groaming Gallery Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
04.12.2022 MF muun: a dj archeology Emiddio Vasquez
20.11.2022 Unpacking "Satellite Activism" Kim Karabo Makin
13.11.2022 Satellite Activism Kim Karabo Makin
29.10.2022 Care Radio: Preserve Salwa Foundation
30.09.2022 Muro Sur Revisitado Muro Sur
21.09.2022 Queer Pedagogy If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Par
14.07.2022 nuum FM Emiddio Vasquez
09.07.2022 Rietveld Review(ed) 2022 Gerrit Rietveld Academie
29.06.2022 Bodies and Technologies If I Can’t Dance
14.06.2022 on Gaborone, 1985 Kim Karabo Makin
09.06.2022 Diasbura Delights Sandberg Instituut
08.06.2022 AI && Gerrit Rietveld Academie
08.06.2022 Careful Sounds Sound in Action
01.06.2022 For Lula, Mississippi (part 3) Arjuna Neuman
16.05.2022 Ana María Fernández Muro Sur
14.05.2022 Care Radio Vol. 2 Espacio Estamos Bien
13.05.2022 Ritual and Display If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Par
13.05.2022 Care Radio Vol. 2 Espacio Estamos Bien
03.05.2022 Suns Hollow / Neo Literal Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
16.04.2022 Rosa Paardenkooper Bifid Readings
15.04.2022 Hambre Libros Bifid Readings
14.04.2022 Iconographies of Belonging Endi Tupja
13.04.2022 Theresa Hak Kyung Cha´s Dictée Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
09.04.2022 Clones HTSU Cooperative
11.03.2022 Care Radio Mariana Jurado-Rico
09.03.2022 Ekphrasis Muro Sur
23.12.2021 A collision with the past Alina Lupu
12.12.2021 Anemones: A Simone Weil Project If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Par
12.12.2021 Lo vi de oídas Muro Sur
25.11.2021 Black Revelry Quiet Storm Reprise If I Can’t Dance
24.11.2021 Rietveld Review(ed) Rietveld Academie
10.10.2021 LaaLa LaLaaaa La LaaLaLaaa A Moment And A Song Elia Castino
09.10.2021 the end of the collective body Mariana Jurado-Rico
07.10.2021 Recording live from somewhere (Hoofdweg reflection Welcome Stranger
03.09.2021 Re:Activate Episode 3 Femke Dekker
29.08.2021 Sunkiss Mylan Hoezen
20.07.2021 Re:Activate Episode 2 Femke Dekker
11.07.2021 Mushroom Radio Mushroom Radio
09.07.2021 Time Will Tell (4) Reza Mirabi
24.06.2021 Research and Performance If I Can’t Dance
28.05.2021 Ríkisstjórnin er readymade / The Parliament in t GSM
28.05.2021 A Bundle of Silences (1871)
27.05.2021 Voice: bodily constraints, endless opportunities Sound in Action
27.05.2021 Right at the Gate GSM
26.05.2021 Gemini mood swings GSM
25.05.2021 It doesn’t feel right GSM
24.05.2021 I feel asleep GSM
23.05.2021 The Immortality of the Astronomical Shell GSM
22.05.2021 Palestinian Colombian Solidarity Stream Radio Alhara
03.05.2021 Assessing Risk: a launch of sorts Kunstlicht
30.04.2021 Re:Activate Episode 1 Femke Dekker
09.04.2021 The pocket of air I hold in my lungs Laurel Project Space
20.03.2021 To be honest, no Mariana Jurado-Rico
17.02.2021 Black Revelry Quiet Storm: Frequency If I Can’t Dance
14.02.2021 Radio Slumber Elaine W. Ho & Amy Suo Wu
20.01.2021 Black Revelry Quiet Storm: Dispersal If I Can’t Dance
20.12.2020 Welcome Stranger: poking through the window Welcome Stranger
16.12.2020 Black Revelry Quiet Storm: Gathering If I Can’t Dance
28.11.2020 Welcome Stranger: the house as material Welcome Stranger
29.10.2020 Author Hybrid Publishing
08.10.2020 Poetry of Memory: Why Does Hip Hop need Archiving? Sound in Action
28.09.2020 On Access Riders at7
19.09.2020 Lonely Planet De Ateliers
17.09.2020 Perpetual Finales mistral
12.09.2020 Lonely Planet De Ateliers
05.09.2020 Lonely Planet De Ateliers
06.07.2020 Being Imposed Upon de Brakke Grond
07.06.2020 Un/spoken Archives (part 2) Gerrit Rietveld Academie
06.06.2020 Un/spoken Archives (part 1) Gerrit Rietveld Academie
05.06.2020 A conversation on ~ the power of doing nothing Petra Heck & Margarita Osipian
30.05.2020 Listening to ~ the power of doing nothing Petra Heck & Margarita Osipian
01.05.2020 working on/working through/working with Hotel Maria Kapel
03.04.2020 Body/Head STRP x JJJNNN
03.04.2020 CORPSE HALO (2) STRP x JJJNNN
03.04.2020 CORPSE HALO (2) STRP x JJJNNN
17.02.2020 DeForrest Brown Jr. & Arif Sonic Acts x JJJNNN
10.02.2020 Dissident Pedagogy Qtopia Queer Arts Festival
22.01.2020 Display and displacement If I Can’t Dance
21.01.2020 Lukáš Likavčan & Leonardo Dellanoce Sonic Acts x JJJNNN
18.01.2020 Surreptitious Syrup Kunsthochschule Kassel
09.01.2020 Sadaf & Ivan Cheng Sonic Acts x JJJNNN
18.12.2019 Rituals of the everyday If I Can’t Dance
24.11.2019 Publishing as Critical Practice Printing Plant
23.11.2019 Open Studios 2019 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
31.10.2019 M other Tongues Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
03.10.2019 UU TWOO de Brakke Grond
18.07.2019 Freedom of Movement Radio Roundtable
03.07.2019 Lisa Walker Current Obsession
01.06.2019 The Well (2) De Ateliers
19.04.2019 Architectonic Soundprints I Almanach
03.04.2019 Minimal Music Festival (3) Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
23.03.2019 Et#her New Emergences
28.02.2019 narrowcasting Re:Search:Gallery
12.02.2019 RYBN Offshore Laboratory FIBER
07.02.2019 PUB @ Glass Pavilion Sandberg Instituut
27.01.2019 When She Spoke de Brakke Grond
28.11.2018 Gathering If I Can’t Dance
25.11.2018 Rijksakademie Radio 2018 (6) Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
25.11.2018 Sound Art Program Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
25.11.2018 What is What Kunstverein
21.11.2018 Care If I Can’t Dance
14.11.2018 Embodiment If I Can’t Dance
18.10.2018 Burn-out Het Nieuwe Instituut
13.10.2018 Forward Escape Into the Past de Brakke Grond
11.10.2018 This is (Not) a Love Song Sandberg Instituut
07.10.2018 REDO Brunch Broadcast REDO
28.09.2018 Dear Reader Stedelijk Museum
21.09.2018 ARGO PUB Radio
13.09.2018 Seeds of Dissidence Het Nieuwe Instituut
18.08.2018 Radio 2 Unlimited De Appel
24.07.2018 Club Take Me On
12.07.2018 Life Fixation: From Aromatics to Ayahuasca Het Nieuwe Instituut
07.07.2018 Mushrooms and prize winners Gerrit Rietveld Academie
06.07.2018 Life in the Rietveld bubble Gerrit Rietveld Academie
06.07.2018 How it's made Gerrit Rietveld Academie
21.06.2018 Midnight Florescence, Morning Fruition Het Nieuwe Instituut
17.06.2018 The Voice of the Artist Sandberg Instituut
16.06.2018 PUB Radio Marathon Saturday Sandberg Instituut
15.06.2018 PUB Radio Marathon Friday Sandberg Instituut
02.06.2018 Islas Inútiles Bar None
31.05.2018 Loose Fit Fashion Colloquium
31.05.2018 Tussen de soep en de patatten de Brakke Grond
17.05.2018 Halfway Points Het Nieuwe Instituut
15.05.2018 Tussen de soep en de patatten de Brakke Grond
08.05.2018 Artistic practices in Amsterdam European Lab
24.04.2018 De Dingen Stroom Den Haag
20.04.2018 Uchronia Joscha Steffens
10.04.2018 Dormant buds on twigs Yoojin Lee
05.04.2018 Speculative Value Het Nieuwe Instituut
03.04.2018 Art & Project The gallerists
30.03.2018 Un Air (4) Unfair Amsterdam
27.03.2018 Konrad Fischer Galerie The gallerists
17.03.2018 Performance States Something Raw
20.02.2018 The Living Room The gallerists
08.02.2018 Siesta Take Me On
06.02.2018 Galerie van Gelder & Wide White Space The gallerists
30.01.2018 Galerie René Block & Lumen Travo The gallerists
20.12.2017 The Signal is Strong Radna Rumping
14.12.2017 The Machine To Be Another Misericordia
07.12.2017 What I Wanted To Tell You Radical Cut-Up
05.12.2017 Center for Genomic Gastronomy & Oliver Barstow Hackers & Designers
21.11.2017 On & Off the Grid Hackers & Designers
14.11.2017 Window Almanach
07.11.2017 Sun Take Me On
23.09.2017 TodaysArt 2017 TodaysArt
16.09.2017 Belly Buster Michelle Son
09.09.2017 Meakusma Festival Meakusma
08.09.2017 Anarchists, Squatters, Punks & …Yuppies? Quartair
07.09.2017 The Other Architect Het Nieuwe Instituut
07.09.2017 Fellowship program & Finders Keepers Het Nieuwe Instituut
07.09.2017 Archive Interpretations & Fellows Het Nieuwe Instituut
11.07.2017 Perspectives Academie Minerva
09.07.2017 Diversity Gerrit Rietveld Academie
08.07.2017 BUSY DAY De Appel
07.07.2017 Artistic Research Gerrit Rietveld Academie
06.07.2017 It Work Works Gerrit Rietveld Academie
06.07.2017 Masterclass Online Radio Gerrit Rietveld Academie
05.07.2017 Curatorial Practice Gerrit Rietveld Academie
06.06.2017 The soup is delicious Mauricio Limón de León
21.05.2017 PLAYTIME day one (3) Kunstvlaai
13.05.2017 Prima Materia FIBER
13.05.2017 Modern Love FIBER
22.04.2017 Native Foreigners Unfold
28.02.2017 De toekomst ligt in zee Stijn Verhoeff
11.02.2017 Wie profiteert er van de non-profit kunstinstellin Platform BK
05.02.2017 Rendering Realities Bits of Freedom
21.01.2017 ET Radio ET Radio
10.12.2016 Mercy & Other Diseases Misericordia
26.11.2016 A Festival of Project Spaces Kunstvlaai
25.11.2016 Rijksakademie Radio 2016 (4) Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
23.10.2016 Age of Wonderland (7) Dutch Design Week
21.10.2016 'Late Night Culture' Talks (4) De School
21.10.2016 Stedelijk Book Club Stedelijk Museum
19.10.2016 Habitat III International New Town Institute
24.09.2016 The Value of Visibility Kunstvlaai
18.09.2016 Sorry We're Open! The Sideroom
18.09.2016 Cultural Policies Kunstlicht
04.09.2016 Dream Out Loud Stedelijk Museum
18.08.2016 Memo: Commune Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
13.08.2016 Marres Tourist Office (5) Marres
07.08.2016 Summer Talks 2016 Hackers & Designers
19.06.2016 SMBA and Beyond Stedelijk Museum
16.06.2016 Radio Sandberg (4) Sandberg Instituut
14.06.2016 Diversity, Criticism & the Closure of SMBA Kunstlicht
11.06.2016 Opening of Six Exhibitions Het Nieuwe Instituut
05.06.2016 Next Economy (4) IABR
17.05.2016 Cracking The Frame Presents Cracking The Frame
31.03.2016 Ja, Mister Morgan Unfair Amsterdam
27.03.2016 SPF '16 Spring Performance Festival
20.03.2016 Richard Sennett Opera Forward Festival
07.02.2016 Luis Rodil-Fernández Gym of Obsolete Technology
01.01.2016 Sunday Broadcasts (6) Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
12.11.2000 Notes on process buulbul