The Immortality of the Astronomical Shell
Alexandra Martens SerranoGSM
21:00 23-05-2021
The Immortality of the Astronomical Shell is a sound piece exploring colour as a vibrational apparition within, between and upon materiality. The shell - a metaphor for an intangible structure that is both made of and a house for a variety of reverberations – plays a role in becoming the sonically translated protagonist of this piece. By manipulating the sounds assigned to colours within spoken language, the sonic particles of these words which are dubbed, distorted and re-arranged to move differently in ‘space’ begin to create new frequencies, adapting, accenting, referencing and opening up every original to variation.
Alexandra Martens Serrano is a visual artist and researcher. Her practice explores the ways in which economies of knowledge, and subsequently the narratives they induce are configured and transmitted. Her research based practice takes the shape of associative constellations through installations composed of sculptures, drawings, word plays and sound. The work is intent on synthesizing the past, present and future, allowing them to confront each other without hierarchy and explore what it means today, to be somewhere in between, Alexandra brings forth fantastical and impossible realms into reality.
GSM is a space for solo exhibitions that is defined by a time-slot and frequencies rather than a set of walls. The artists install their work in a space consisting of minutes on air. GSM is not a space specifically for artists that use sound as a medium but rather a place for transforming artists’ works into sonic encounters. Rethinking space and audience experience, GSM brings the exhibition to whatever space the audience finds themselves in. Whether that is in a jeep on a highway, issuing from a constructors radio on a building site or via airpods on an afternoon stroll.
Founded by Helena Aðalsteinsdóttir and Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir in 2017, GSM’s first exhibition series was hosted by the National Radio of Iceland and the second series ‘Messages from the Deep’ is hosted by Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee.

Image: Alexandra Martens Serrano Visual: Susan van Veen
Artist / Organisation: GSM
Host: Joakim Derlow
Producer: Ash Walker
23-05-2021 at 21:00
Alexandra Martens Serrano